You may establish daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and/or long-term goals. Unfortunately, people with substance abuse disorders commonly have low self-esteem issues. So it’s essential that you factor that reality into your recovery and have yourself a plan to change that poor self-image you’ve created in your mind. As humans, we’re all naturally inclined to view a task with a goal-oriented mindset, one in which we complete the work and move on to the next endeavor. Sobriety, however, is truly a lifelong journey in which the individual continues to learn and grow from their experiences.

Why Aren’t You Drinking? 10 Confident Responses to This Common Question

Coming from a home that never followed a structured routine, it can be challenging to stick to one. If you falter one day, don’t completely abandon it and fall into old habits derailing your hard work and confidence. Practice speaking recovery affirmations to begin the positive influence of your mindset shift. Some people say affirmations in front of the mirror.

staying free staying clean sober

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

staying free staying clean sober

Notably, loving yourself makes it more challenging to violate that love with drugs and alcohol. If you cannot afford therapy, I would consider group counseling, outpatient treatment programs, or recovery coaching. Explore your options, and don’t give up on finding a source of help. A sobriety mentor or sponsor is fantastic support. If you relate and these are all new practices, then commit to five things and introduce the others once these have become habits. Clear Recovery Center’s Virtual IOP provides clients with therapeutic support for burnout, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue and stress.

staying free staying clean sober

Eliminate Toxic People and Environments

As much as possible, wake up at the same time every day and go to sleep at the same time. Do relaxing activities to wind you down before bed. A large body of research exists examining—and proving—the efficacy of AA for sobriety. A 2011 study by Krentzman, Robinson, et al. sought to answer the question of why some people chose to continue going to meetings even after they achieved short-term sobriety. This is a treatment that first prevents someone from using their substance of choice and then provides information about the harm of using.

Engage in Creative Activities

You may have celebrated milestones during your sobriety journey. Track your wins on a calendar or through a Sobriety app. Think about other activities that bring you calm, and leave you feeling energized.

Before seeing a therapist, my physician prescribed a few different antidepressants, but none of them worked. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist that I received homework that determined what mental health condition I had. So that I could receive proper treatment, if I hadn’t seen a therapist, I would remain undiagnosed and not adequately treated. You get to decide what course you choose, but I highly recommend therapy for your mental health.

Greater Emotional Stability

Below are some of the many benefits of sobriety that are worth considering when choosing whether to work toward sobriety and maintain a life of abstinence. Chronic alcohol use can impair your cognitive functions, affecting your memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. One of the benefits of being sober is the restoration of these cognitive functions, which can enhance your ability to work and learn, contributing to a more productive and fulfilling life.

Similarly, as we experience achievement, acknowledging small wins keeps us motivated. Some people journal their sobriety milestones, while others track them on their phone or a calendar. Self-care is an important aspect of sobriety. Perhaps you introduced self-care routines into your life for the first time when you decided to get sober. Triggers are sometimes unavoidable and different for everyone. For some, a trigger may be spending time with a friend who doesn’t respect your sobriety.

It could be the missing link to staying sober. Withdrawal symptoms can be mild to severe, depending on your level of addiction and substance abuse disorder. Sometimes, you may not realize your symptoms are due to withdrawal and detox. You may want to start an exercise routine — exercise releases brain chemicals called endorphins, which can make you feel good. Or you might rather spend time volunteering for a good cause, like an animal shelter or children’s hospital. Whatever it is, new activities can lead to new friends with interests like yours.